Dr. William Babula

Helping children, adolescents, and adults, as individuals, couples, and families

Insurance and Medicare Accepted

Dr. William Babula


Washington, NJ 07882
Telehealth Appointments Only

Phone: 908-720-5090

Fax: 908-832-7822

Click to e-mail (not private)

By appointment only.
Daytime, evening, and Saturday sessions.


PTSD and Critical Incident Stress Debriefing


Anxiety Disorders

Obsessive- Compulsive Behavior


Child conduct problems and risk assessment for returning to school


Dr. Babula provides Individual Psychotherapy, Marital Counseling, Family Therapy, Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, and Neurofeedback.

The general goal is to develop solutions and coping skills and return to an enjoyable lifestyle. His psychotherapy process is very focused and designed to initiate behavioral and emotional changes as soon as possible.

His primary treatment approaches are:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy principles, which focus on how thinking impacts our feelings and actions.
  • A family therapy model, which addresses patterns of how family members interact with each other.

married couplemother and son

  • During the initial visit, which includes assessment, the primary problem is explored in detail along with other relevant historical information.
  • The desired outcome is discussed and a plan of action is developed to reach that goal.
  • Dr. Babula and clients decide how often to meet and what kind of exercises can be done outside of the therapy session.

Sessions are usually 50 minutes and scheduled weekly.  Expect to have behavioral homework and reading assignments for practice outside the therapy sessions.

Research about the effectiveness of psychotherapy has looked at all of the outcome studies and shows about 80% of the people who tried psychotherapy felt better. There are many reasons why people improve, ranging from talking about  problems in a calm, supportive atmosphere to making specific changes about thinking, feeling, and behaving.

Significant change may occur early in the treatment process, in about 4 to 8 sessions.  Symptom reduction may range from 6 to 15 visits.  More philosophical and personality change can take 20 or more sessions.  Of course these estimates depend upon the problem, client motivation, regular attendance, and doing any homework between sessions.

Recognizing the demands of today's world and clients' busy schedules, Dr. Babula's office hours conveniently are daytime, evenings, and Saturdays.